Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Mother Nature

I wonder what Mother Nature looks like. Maybe she expresses herself with flowers and dew-drops, but what does she really look like? What lies inside her hidden heart? Perhaps endless laughter, or maybe the scent of jasmine. Maybe she is an ugly old hag, but which a childish heart, loving beauty. Suppose she made nature beautiful just to torment us when we are about to die, not wanting to leave this world? Or to chide us, daring us to cut down a tree. She loves rhythm, as the sun and moon have shown us. Only to a few people does she reveal herself to, only to a few civilizations. The Native Indians were among them, and unfortunately our civilization has not been favoured by her.
Or has it? Surely, nature is disappearing fast but isn't nature our surroundings? So isn't nature always with us, no matter where we are? Aren't we just changing nature's rules a bit, bending the wire? Challenging Mother Nature's boundaries, seeing how far we can go before she finally gets angry at us and lashes out? Nothing ever stays the same, so does it really matter if we build a few buildings, and chop down the Amazon's trees? Does it?


Drizel said...

Hey Miss thanks for visiting my blog.
Offcourse it matters, I think she is allready lashinbg out at us.
GLOBAL WARMING: The heat is worse, the drought is worse, the snow is worse, Tunami, earth quakes. can not harm that, that cannot protect itself, another forse will surely step up an defend the soft targets:)

miss magic said...

i agree with you. But sometimes I wonder (deeeep inside my heart) if the world is going to explode anyway (cause in my religion God says that one day the earth will finish), then what does it matter if we speed it up a little? then I'm ashamed of thinking that and immediately rummage through my garbage to see if anything that can be reycled is there, and recycle it. :)

Shy Machete said...

Throughout history, nature has lashed out at us from time to time... just to show us how small we really are in the whole sceme of the universe. Just when we think that we our teh most intelligent beings and build the most improbably beautiful building there is, mother nature will graze it to the ground with a mere shimmy of hips. :-)

Anonymous said...

Hey, thankyou for visiting my blog :)!

well..i guess, even though God says the earth wil finish up one day,we dont have the right to destroy it by speeding it up! God also says our lives wil end oneday, then ending it on our own isnt right?
Nature is Beautiful,and perhaps one of the sources of solace for many peopl out there! :)

miss magic said...

thanks for the opinions!
SS: shimmy of the hips! lol.

Crafty Green Poet said...

Thanks for visiting my blog.

I think the earth is so beautiful that we should look after her while we can so we can enjoy her for longer. (And yes she's lashing out already....)

Sure the world will end one day but since Biblican times people have expected ot to be very soon and we're still waiting....

Wanting to speed up the destruction of the earth is like the Anerican arch conservatives wanting to blow up the Middle East so that Armageddon comes quicker..... Not an argument I like....